When I think of butter cookies, the ones that come to mind are the fancy shaped "Danish" kind which come in a blue tin. So when I saw the recipe on the side of the Swan potato starch box for Swedish Butter Cookies, I was expecting something similar and maybe along the lines of shortbread cookies. Surprise! The cookies from the Swan box were almost identical to Nabisco's Brown Edge Wafers, which were discontinued long ago.

So What Happened to Brown Edge Wafers?
An old Wall Street Journal article from 1996 mentions them as slow selling, so I suppose that's the reason why Nabisco stopped making Brown Edge Wafers. They probably just weren't as popular as the other cookies. But now I'm wondering if maybe Nabisco will bring them back as a "throwback" item. Or maybe since they are made with potato starch, the company could re-work the recipe a bit and introduce them as a gluten-free item! Hear that, Nabisco?
For Now We Have the Homemade Version
It turns out these homemade Brown Edge Wafers are better! The potato starch is key. The recipe is on the back of the Swan' box, but here's my Brown Edge Wafers adaptation below. Of course you might as well follow the recipe on the box if it's still there. They probably alternate recipes.

Don't worry about finding other uses for potato starch, because there are many. You can use it in angel food cake, as a thickener and as a component of gluten-free flour blends.
Brands of Potato Starch & Flavors
Update: I've found another brand of potato starch called Streit's which works well. And since I posted this there are even more brands readily available on Amazon. I've only tested with Swan and Streit's, though. For flavors, people have mentioned the originals had kind of a citrus flavor. While I don't remember the exact citrus flavor of the originals, the cookies are delicious with a little Boyajian lemon oil or orange oil. Lemon zest or orange zest can also be used. Here's a photo from my latest batch. This one was made with vanilla paste and about ½ teaspoon orange zest.

Yet Another Update -- Bob's Red Mill Potato Starch
When I first started making these, I used Swan brand potato starch flour. The name is a bit confusing because it's potato starch, but they call it potato starch flour. Meanwhile, there is actually something called potato flour which is not just the extracted starch, but rather whole, dried, ground potato. So for this recipe, use potato starch. Also, I recently tested with Bob's Red Mill brand potato starch and the weight of 1 cup, carefully spooned (not packed) was 160 grams rather than 140 grams.
Gluten-Free Brown Edge Wafers
I finally got around to testing these with a gluten-free flour blend. It worked! I used the potato starch as directed, but substituted the all-purpose flour with the same weight (not volume, weight) of Bob's Red Mill All-Purpose Baking Blend. The cookies look pretty much the same and are close in texture, just slighly more gritty due to the rice flour -- not in a bad way, just in a way that you might detect if you are used to eating gluten-free cookies.
To Make a Half Batch
If you want to make Brown Edge Wafers but don't want to commit to a full batch, the recipe halves well. To halve the egg, crack it into a cup, beat it with a fork, then weigh out 24 to 27 grams or measure about 2 tablespoons.

Some Related Recipes

Brown Edge Wafers
- 1 cup butter, salted (unsalted okay, but you'll need to add ¾ teaspoon salt) (235 grams)
- 1 cup sugar (200 grams)
- 1 large egg (54 grams)
- 1 ½ teaspoon vanilla (See notes about flavor)
- 1 cup potato starch flour not potato flour (140 to 160 grams)**
- 1 cup all-purpose flour (127 to 140 grams)
- Cream together butter and sugar. Beat in egg and vanilla.
- Mix together flour and potato starch flour; add to butter mixture and stir until combined. Chill dough for about an hour.
- Roll into small balls and place on ungreased or parchment lined cookie sheets. Press gently with palm of hand to flatten slightly. Bake at 375 degrees F for 10 minutes or until edges are brown.
Anna says
Hi Tom, I don't remember those particular cookies, but I have added a little orange oil and lemon oil to these. Mixing the vanilla and orange gives them an especially good flavor. Their texture is delicate and crisp.
Tom Worthen says
I remember the orange thins and lemon thins made by FFV (I think). Does anyone have a recipe or, are the brown edge cookies described is this post the same?
Thank you in advance!
Anna says
Around a teaspoon.
Polly says
What exactly is a “small ball”? Do I use a teaspoon scoop? A tablespoon scoop?
MG Ducey says
I followed my grandmother's recipe who owned and operated a tearoom in New Jersey during WW2.They were perfect, but I will try potato starch. One question; they are quite dry and I wonder i I might add a tiny bit of milk to the recipe? Has anyone tried this/
Anna says
Hi Judy,
I wish I had some of the Nabisco cookies right now so that I could taste test. It's been a long time since I tried one and a long time since I made the copycat ones. My recipe doesn't call for a coating, but that's interesting that the original ones did have a coating! Like I said, I wish I could try one.
Judy says
Nabisco's Brown Edge cookies seemed to have some kind of glaze on them. I would love to dunk them in coffee because they stayed together longer than other cookies because of the coating. Does your cookie do the same thing?
madeline says
nabisco brown edge wafer cookies were the best............I am surprised that so many never heard of them before....so sad that the Nabisco company stopped making them about 10 years ago....I have never forgotten the taste of them and hope this new recipe can duplicate them.......great with a glass of ice cold milk or a hot cup of tea.................. madeline
Nancy Rose says
I agree, these were the Perfect Tea Cookie. Also miss Jan Hagels, and the dark chocolate "Circle" cookies.
susieq says
I loved Nabisco Brown-Edged Wafers, and am disappointed they are no longer on the market (also their dark chocolate covered graham crackers and the mint covered Oreos). I have been searching for a recipe that matches the wafers, and from the comments posted, I think I may have finally found it. I am making them this afternoon and am looking forward to that melt in your mouth taste and the light crispness. What memories!!
Mama Geri says
Back in the 40's and 50's in Virginia we enjoyed a brown edge cookie made by FFV Famous Foods of Virginia. They made lemon thins and orange thins. I don't know how many boxes I consumed over the years. Nothing beats them, but now that I've read your recipes and hints I think I can give it a go and make cookies from the past that I've hungered for a long time. Thanks for all of your comments and the recipe.
Anna says
Thanks for the tip! Some lemon oils are better than others. I have yet to try the Whole Foods lemon oil, so I'll put it on the list.
cece says
I modified the recipe and added 1tsp. Lemon oil and 1tsp. Lemon juice. After rolling cookies into ball shapes and placed in cookie sheet. Then I crushed up some LemonHead candies and sprinkled on fork flattened cookie dough before baking. All I can say is, if you Love Lemon this version of the cookie is delicious. All I've gotten is rave reviews on this cookie.....you can find lemon oil at Whole Foods Stores
Laura O says
my whole family used to love these. amazing so many people love these simple cookies but they were discontinued. will try the recipes . my grandsons are missing out on a great cookie.
Mary King says
Thanks Anna! I will also try this cookie recipe .
Mary King says
I found the potato starch. You can get it at Kroger. It will be in their Nature's market section of the store. If they don't have it in stock, they can order it. It is called Bob's Red Mill Potato Starch. The UPC is 0 3997800525 0 If you don't have a Kroger in your area, try one of their sister store. (Dillions, King Soopers, Ralph's, Fry's or City Market) Harriss Teeter might even carry it. I can't wait to try this recipe! This was my Dad's favorite cookie as I was growing up. I just found out it is also my favorite brother's cookie. I can't wait to make them for him!
Anna says
Mary, in the past I've found it in the Kosher foods aisle of my grocery store. If you can't find it anywhere, you could try using cornstarch. Nina also posted an interesting recipe here in the comment section which does not call for the potato flour.
1 c. butter
1 c. sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2 c. flour
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
Cream together the butter and the sugar. Add the eggs and mix thoroughly. Combine flour and salt, add to mixture. Blend in vanilla. Chill for 20 minutes. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets and bake at 400 degrees for 8 minutes. Allow to cool on pan before removing.
Mary King says
I am so excited to try this recipe! I was talking to a coworker today about how Nabisco had taken my family's favorite cookie off the market. I can't wait to make them! Where can I find the potato flour?
Cynthia W. says
Made these for my mom - she says they were very close to the original. Very easy, even for a non-baker like me.
Susan says
I'm so glad you posted this recipe. My Mother used to make these when I was a kid and I loved them! I've never tried the Nabisco brand, I didn't even know they made them! Regarding the stickiness, is it sticky inside or outside that people remember? If outside, I wonder if a light sprinkling of powdered sugar on the cookies while they're hot from the oven would add that stickyness that everyone is looking for. Or if inside, line the cookie sheet with parchment paper to bake them, then slide the parchment and cookies off the cookie sheet immediately upon removal from the oven to stop the cooking. They do continue to cook while on the hot cookie sheet. That might be what helps make them crispier and dry. Just a thought!
Ten says
I remember making these with my mom following my great-grandmother's recipe. I have to track down a family member that still has her recipe but I'm going to try this to see how close it is in taste. I do remember we used regular all-purpose flour and I think we made the cookies thicker (larger dough ball) so the edge was crispy and the center chewy.
I never had the Nabisco cookie - never knew a company made them! I'm so happy to know other people love this cookie as I remember taking them in to school on my birthday and having to talk about them; the other kids hadn't had them before!
John says
I've been looking for a long time I remember having them as a kid (a loooong time ago). Now I can relive my childhood. Thanks!!
Nina says
Anna, There is also a recipe for brown edge wafers that I found that doesnt require the potato starch flour and here it is and it even has the stickiness associated with the original nabisco cookie.....
1 c. butter
1 c. sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2 c. flour
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
Cream together the butter and the sugar. Add the eggs and mix thoroughly. Combine flour and salt, add to mixture. Blend in vanilla. Chill for 20 minutes. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets and bake at 400 degrees for 8 minutes. Allow to cool on pan before removing.
Anna says
I love the idea of adding almond flavoring!
Momo says
I wonder if a little almond flavoring along with the vanilla would be good - what do you think? I LOVED the Nabisco Brown Edge Wafer so I am definitely going to try this but I also love almond flavor.
Boggles D. Mind says
I feel like so many of the joys of my youth are quickly fading away. I loved Postum and several years searching, learned that it is no longer produced. As if that was not bad enough, now after many years searching for Brown Edge Wafers, they too are no longer produced.
What's next?? Nilla Wafers?? Sure hope not!
Nola Lady says
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!
I have really missed Brown Edge cookies and with the addition of 1 tsp of grated orange peel they were just what I liked best about them.
LaoK says
I'm going to try again, this time making the brown edge wafers as Easter cookies. My previous batch last year didn't turn out exactly round (kind of oval or egg-shaped) so I was inspired that I could make them look like Easter eggs, using a little pastel food colors.
Anonymous says
Thank you from a delighted 60 year old grandmother!
Liz says
Why don't they sell the brown edge wafers in stores anymore?
Jeanne Brandenburg says
I wanted to try these cookies but I didn't have potato starch flour and I only had margerine. I substituted instant mashed potato flakes. (I know, it sounds crazy). The cookies turned out a bit too thin so I added 2 tablespoons of flour to the second half of the dough and the cookies turned out very well.
I found the potato starch flour today and also got butter and premium vanilla extract. I will be trying the recipe tomorrow with the suggested ingredients.
I am also in Maryland and found the flour at Wegman's. You can also order it online from several vendors.
Anna says
Hi Mel,
I hope you are having fun trying to get the cookie just right. About the molasses, I think you'd get a similar cookie to your corn syrup version, but with a different taste. I wish they still made brown edges wafers so I could taste one again and try to help you clone it.
Mel Levine says
I have been experimenting with this recepie. In my latest batch I added two tsp of light corn syrup to attempt to get the tackieness that I remembered but it did not work. Could I substitue Unsulphered Molasses for the corn syrup and would that give me the tackiness I'm looking for?
Mama Geri says
I would like to comment on something that has helped me get more of an intense flavor in baking cookies, pies and cakes etc. I visited a local bakery supply store and they sell small bottles of different flavored oils. All it takes is a few tiny drops of these oils to intensify whatever flavor you are going after. For example, I baked a almond coffee cake and added a shot of amaretto, a few drops of almond oil and toasted slivered almonds. My husband raved over the intense almond flavor so I do this with anything I bake now triple the flavor using different sources.
LaoK says
The potato starch flour must be the secret. I've just made a batch without it (using 1 part cake flour to 1 part all purpose flour) and the texture of the cookie isn't as smooth as I recall from the Nabisco Brown Edge Wafers. The edges are kind of lacy instead. Addition of the 1 tsp of light corn syrup does give the cookie that slightly chewy "tooth" that I remember. I find that forming dough balls about the size of a nickel works well for portioning.
Anna says
I'm not sure lemon juice would do the trick since it's not quite as lemony as peel and adds extra moisture, but it probably wouldn't hurt. Your best bet might be to keep the lemon peel, but also add a half teaspoon or so of good lemon oil or lemon extract. Another trick you could do is add a half teaspoon or more of unsweetened lemonade powder or Kool-Aid.
Touch of corn syrup, in this recipe, would be 1 teaspoon.
Good luck with your experimenting! Sorry I can't give you more concrete answers, but this isn't one of the recipes I make often therefore lots of my advice is speculative.
Mel Levine says
I modified the recepie as suggested, 1/2 tsp Vanilla and 2 tsp Lemon Zest. They baked up beautifully but not quite lemonny enough. I also agree with PattyB, that there was a stickyness to the Nabisco cookie.
If I add 1 teaspoon Lemon Juice along with the 2 teaspoons Lemon Zest what other changes would I need to make to keep the cookie as crisp as it is now?
Also, can you define "a touch of corn syrup" in a measurment? Would I need any other modifications to keep the cookie baking as it does now?
I found my Potato Starch Flour in a health food store called Nutrition S'mart in Pembroke Pines Florida for those still looking for it.
Thanks for all of your help!
Mel Levine says
Thanks for your help. I'll be baking some this afternoon! I'll let you know how it turns out tomorrow, after others have tasted them. I will make both the butter and lemon flavors. I was hoping to get some other recepies from the swan site. Amazon will not help me. Ener-g has some recepies but nothing exceptional.
Anna says
Hi Mel,
For the lemon version, you'd probably want to make the recipe as written but just add a teaspoon or two of lemon zest and using only about 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla.
I'm not sure Swan has a website, but you can order it off many sites including Amazon.
Mel Levine says
What would the recepie look like for the lemon flavored cookie variety? I finally found some ener-g potato starch flour locally and purchased it yesterday. I hope it bakes like the swan brand does. Do you have a website address for SWAN? I can't find it either.
Thanks, Mel
Anna says
Hi Cynthia,
I'm not sure where you live or what types of stores you have access to, but finding the potato starch might take a couple of store visits. I buy mine at Central Market which has specialty foods and a nice array of Kosher products. A store with a good Kosher section is most likely to have the potato starch.
Cynthia says
Hi Ann,
I wanted to try to make these cookies with my little girls, but we could not find the Potato Starch Flour anywhere. Please help !
Anna says
I am so glad to hear that Patty! I wonder if a touch of corn syrup would add some stickiness?
PattyB says
We made these cookies, and they came out very, very good. The taste is almost exactly as I remember the boxed Brown Edge wafers. The cookie bottoms come out all golden and good, as with the originals. The one small difference, I think, is that the Nabisco ones had just a bit of flexibility/stickiness to them, while these are more of a dry texture. Thanks for the recipe!
Anna says
In a perfect world, that would be true. However, many recipes come from sources (church cookbooks, etc.) where people originally used margarine (which is salted) or salted butter. So if a recipe looks suspiciously low in salt, as does this one, it's best to just use salted butter or add in the equivalent amount of salt which in this case would be somewhere between 3/4 and 1 teaspoon. It's difficult to say for sure because salted butter is not always the same saltiness.
Shadykay says
In almost any recipe you see for baking, the butter should be unsalted. The eggs should be large eggs. I've watched countless baking shows on television, and read many, many cookbooks - and all call for unsalted butter and large eggs. If you don't have large eggs, you can go by measure: 1 large egg = 2 ounces = 1/4 cup. You could beat an extra large egg, and just use 1/4 cup of the mixture.
Ann Atwood says
I have been so disappointed not to be able to find those wonderful brown edged cookies/wafers, so when I found this site I was excited. I'm going to try to find the potato starch flour and as soon as I do, I'll make up a batch and let you know how they came out. Yummy, I can't wait to try the recipe.
Mr. Davis says
Hi, Anna...
Thanks for your reply. As promised, I've got my friend's response: 5 STARS!
Everyone in the office enjoyed them, so I'll be making lots more throughout the holiday season, and it's all thanks to your posting, so Kudos for helping us revive a long-lost favorite treat!
Anna says
Hello Mr. Davis,
Thanks for testing the recipe! I hope your friend finds them similar to Brown Edge Wafers. If not, at least you've got a good cookie. I'm out of potato starch at the moment,but next time I buy a box I'm going to try the coconut creme and shredded unsweetened coconut variation.
Mr. Davis says
Dear Anna and Friends:
A good friend of mine mentioned these cookies to me earlier today at work, so I Yahoo! searched and found this site. The recipe was so easy I memorized it and made some earlier this evening. AMAZING! I was so pleased they came out exactly like the your photo! I've never had the real McCoy, so I'm taking them to work tomorrow to see how well they compare to my friend's fond memories of Nabisco's Brown Edge Wafers. I'll let you know.
P.S. Substitute 1/4 cup of butter with coconut creme and add 1/2 cup of regular coconut flakes(NOT confectioner's sweetened coconut flakes), and you've got a real treat! ALSO...white rice flour or tapioca flour are both extremely fine powdered starches, and work as an excellent substitute for the potato starch. --Thanks!
Peter LeVan says
Darling...Please don't forget Potato Flour in yeasted donuts, apple fritters or my personal favorite BANANA-CARDAMOM FRITTERS. The beauty is that you get a texture and density like Brioche but light at the same time.
barbara says
GREAT NEWS! Brown edge wafers were my favorite cookies! I actually called Nabisco to "complain" when they were discontinued 🙁
This summer, while in France, I found cookies called 'cigarettes' ,which were as close as I've ever come to the real thing. They are large brown edge wafers rolled up to resemble a cigar. A similar imported cookie is available here, but they all have chocolate or ? in them. Can't wait to find some potato flour and relive my youth! Thanks! Babs
kim f says
Who knew potato starch is the clue. Gotta take a batch to my dad for Father's Day! THANKS Anna!
J Chapman says
I'm in Atlanta and I will check at Whole Foods to see if they carry the potato starch there. Those cookies were a fond memory from my childhood as my grandmother would offer them to us at "tea parties" after we finished swimming. Can't imagine a better cookie, so this is worth a try! THANKS!
Donniebingo says
I'm really old and have not thought about the Nabisco brown edge cookies for quit sometime now. I have been looking in all the stores for them the past month and finally did a search on the web and found this site. I'm glad to have the recipe but now I can't find the Patato flour... I'm in Maryland and have never seen it... Help please.
Anna says
So Robert, what DO they sell in Southern Arizona ;).
I'd never heard of Weston until now. Thanks for the info.
Robert Haygood says
In addition to Nabisco's "Brown Edge," Weston offered "Weston Wafers," which came in lemon and orange flavors. Weston today reportedly offers only mint coookies and some sort of donuts. Thin cookies with brown edge were also sold by FFV, a brand that seems to have vanished. Someone has claimed that Weston also owns Entenmans bakery goods.
I suppose it's progress that causes one's favorite items to vanish from supermarket shelves. In southern Arizona it's impossible to find sweet pickle chips, cracked wheat bread, Heinz or Del Monte dill pickles, banana nut or black walnut ice cream, and--of course--brown edge cookies.
(Yes, I know that Frys markets sells something called cracked wheat bread, but it's a rather heavy multigrain bread little resembling the traditional bread.)
Anna says
Hi Susie,
Good luck with the recipe. I haven't made it in a while, but I remember the potato starch really made a difference. If your cookies don't come out light and crispy, email me and let me know.
smash says
Not that I doubt the many uses for potato starch, but could you give a few examples? I'm kind of excited about finding some potato starch and making these cookies.
Anna says
Uses for potato starch.
Well, to start, it can be used in place of cornstarch in most fruit pies. The filling is smoother and velvetier, but still sets. If you buy Swans brand, they have an angel food cake recipe and a "Swedish Sand Cake" recipe on the box, so those are two more uses.
However, potato starch's best attribute is it's ability to thicken, so you could use it in white sauces, stews and soups when needed.
smash says
Not that I doubt the many uses for potato starch, but could you give a few examples? I'm kind of excited about finding some and making these cookies.
Ms. Chevious says
Oooh, I still have that box of potato starch I bought just because I got so excited I found it (looks just like your picture!) and haven't done anything with.
Anna says
Amy, Central Market has potato starch flour.
Joe, I think vanilla paste would work beautifully and the little flecks would definitely add so the visual appeal.
Carole, if you did lemon juice, you'd probably want to get rid of the vanilla all together, use at least 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and use some lemon zest along with it.
carole says
What about adding 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice?
Joe says
Hey Anna - these look good! What about vanilla paste - besides taste, do you think it would add any visual apperance in the final baked cookie?
Amy says
Sounds like my kind of cookie
Anna says
Hi T!
We have a Frye's, but it's on the other side of town and I never make it over there. Todd's been there, but he's never mentioned the cookie/candy section. I'll have him scope it out.
tg says
the compUSA note is funny. duz austin have Frye's? they have a nutty-huge selection of cookies and candy, much of it semi-rare and/or imported. (cuz everybody knows that techies just sit in front of their computer and binge on snack foods)
lovely photos today!