Cookie Madness is a collection of recipes I’ve tried over the years. The original goal was a cookie blog, but these days I post recipes for brownies, cakes, pies, ice cream, cupcakes and other sweets. There are also a lot of gluten-free recipes here. The fastest way to find recipes is with the search tool, but you can also browse the Recipe Index. Thanks for visiting!
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Popular Cookie Madness Recipes
Below are some things that are popular on Cookie Madness right now including two of the easiest doctored cake mix cakes.
In The Cookie Madness Kitchen
Not just a cookie blog anymore! These recipes have been updated with new photos, tips or techniques.
In Like a Lion, Out Like a Liger
Spring is a time for renewal, so I thought I’d link to some recipes that are very good but desperately in need of new photos. By summer, I hope to have updated the photos and polished up the prose. For now, enjoy my mad photography skills.
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Healthy-ish Recipes
I love the term "healthy-ish" and how it describes foods that are not truly healthy (like blueberries or salmon) but have healthy ingredients. These are some recipes which I think fall into that category.
A few more healthy-ish recipes here. →