Old Review. I haven't seen these in ages!
Mondays are always busy, but I did manage to fit in a quick batch of "Chocolate Syrup Brownies". I'm not going to bother posting the recipe yet because I'm not sure I love them. In fact, I shoved them in the refrigerator and pulled out my new box of "Vita Brownies". Here's my Vita Brownies review.

Vita Brownies are the dessert counterpart to Vita Muffins - high fiber, low calorie baked cakes. A 2 ounce Vita Brownie has only 100 calories, and I believe the muffin calorie count (ounce per ounce) is in the same ball park. I haven't had a Vita-anything since I happened upon some Vita Muffins in a CT grocery store a few years ago. They were pretty good as far as diet food goes, and I was disappointed to find I'd have to mail-order them if I wanted them in Texas. I'm too lazy and immediate-gratification oriented for that, so I just kind of sat around waiting for them to appear in a local grocery store. They finally did this past weekend, however, in Vita-Brownie form.
I'm still trying to sort out my feelings toward the Vita Brownie. It definitely wasn't as rich as real brownie, but it was satisfying in its own special, fibrously cakey way and I am not craving brownies anymore. I guess I liked it. Plus, the box made me laugh. "Better than an apple!" it says. There's something in the juxtaposition of brownies and apples I find humorous....don't know why.
I'll report back on the chocolate syrup tomorrow. Like many brownies, they need time to age.
Anna says
Echo, thanks for the tip. I haven't eaten one of these in a long time, but I remember liking it. It's definitely cakier than most brownies, though. I'll have to try the muffin top.
Echo says
my note on these things, you're better off just having half a lil debbie brownie, sure you dont get the nutrients, and its considerably smaller in serving size, but the taste is much better.
I found these in a super kroger a while back, and found them to be...utterly flavorless...to the very extreme.
One note further however, vitamuffins on the other hand, i've had the corn muffin cap (im obsessed with cornbread and chili and it makes serving control less difficult) and the brownie muffin cap...if you are going with vita brand, go with the brownie muffin top, much better flavor, and has chocolate chips instead of nuts...it also was more moist then was the brownie.
(all statements above are based on personal tastes and there for are, of course, subjective)
Julie O'Hara says
Hmmm, I haven't seen these in the grocery store yet. Not sure I would go for them, though I might try the muffins. That apple thing is pretty funny!
tg says
you've been breathtakingly productive, not to mention informative, lately. i'm hanging on your every word, babe!
Jill says
New saying... Like comparing apples to brownies? That is an odd comparison.