This is some pumpkin bread from yesterday, and I'm going to take a better picture of it later.

For now, here's a photo of the chef.

Fuzz couldn’t entertain herself Sunday morning so I laid out all the ingredients and told her how to make pumpkin bread. She had a lot of fun and was very proud of her creation.

Update: I first posted this in 2008. Now it's 2018, 2023 and Fuzz is looking at finished with college!
As for the pumpkin bread, this recipe is still a favorite, though, I've changed it slightly by cutting the salt to ¾ teaspoon. In my original notes I mentioned finding a recipe with less sugar, but I haven't put much effort into looking for a lower sugar version since this one is so good and we make it as a treat rather than a regular part of our diet. I've also upgraded to a better loaf pan.


Fuzz's Pumpkin Bread
- 1 ¾ cup all-purpose or white whole grain flour (220 grams)
- ¾ teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- ½ teaspoon baking powder
- 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
- ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
- ½ cup vegetable oil
- 1 ½ cups granulated sugar (280 grams)
- 2 large eggs
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 cup canned pumpkin half a can
- ⅓ cup water
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour a 9x5 inch metal loaf pan or spray with flour-added cooking spray. For a taller loaf, use an 8 ½ by 4 ½ inch pan.
- Stir together flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder, pumpkin pie spice and cinnamon. Set aside.
- Whisk together oil, sugar, eggs, vanilla, pumpkin and water in a mixing bowl. Add the flour mixture and stir just until moistened.
- Transfer mixture to loaf pan and bake for 1 hour or until done (ours usually take an hour and 15 minutes.)
Fuzz says
Fuzz here! I'm old enough to have a 401k now, and still making this pumpkin bread. It's a moist cake that always comes out nice and dark with a sweet, pie-spiced flavor and no squashy aftertaste like some pumpkin recipes. I like to throw in a handful of chocolate chips and eat it as a dessert!
Bianca says
Hi Anna! I've never baked with pumpkin before! To be honest, I only first saw a real live pumpkin the other day! We don't have them back home. So I'm feeling very adventurous and would like to try a recipe with pumpkin. Could you perhaps recommend one that would give me a good first impression? I don't even know what pumpkin tastes like!
Sophia says
Yay for Fuzz!
I've never had pumpkin bread (since my parents dislike all edible things pumpkin) but that looks excellent. I may have to conjure an excuse to make some.
Tracy says
Holy cow is she growing up!
The bread looks great too...
Anna says
Thanks for all the nice comments about Fuzz. I haven't posted many pictures of her lately.
Melissa, I'll bet Jamie could make pumpkin bread right now -- or at least this recipe! It didn't require much aside from dumping in ingredients and stirring. The lesson I taught Emma was that you can whisk all the wet ingredients as much as you want, but the flour needed to be treated rather gently or the bread would be tough. I didn't mention glutens ;).
Amy, you could feed some to your dog. It's a good source of fiber.
Several people have mentioned this pumpkin bread looks similar to theirs. I looked at bbonline and and there's one basic pumpkin bread recipe that most people use....and then there are all the little offshoots. I guess this one's an offshoot.
I'll have to check Cooking Light. I'm not concerned about the bread being lower fat, but I would like it to be lower in sugar (no artificial sweeteners). So I don't want a low fat recipe that puts extra sugar or sweeteners where the fat would be. I think next time I'll just knock off 1/4 cup as Debbie mentioned.
Judy, I STILL haven't bought the agave nectar. I really need to buy some, but it's expensive and I'm afraid I won't like the flavor.
Mary says
Fuzz is growing so very fast. A really cute little girl is on her way to becoming a beauty.
Mary Ann says
I would bet that beautiful loaf didn't last long, Anna. Praises for pumpkins in the mix!
Carole R. says
A chip off the mother cookie. Good job, Fuzz!!! You are growing into a beauriful, young lady.
And, one who can cook and bake.
Lisa magicsprinkles says
Congratulations! Nicely done Fuzz!
Judy Neary says
Many others made the same comment I was thinking: I can't believe how grown up she looks! I almost always reduce the sugar in recipes. I'm also having good results with agave nectar - you use about 1/2 the amount that is called for regular sugars.
Debbie says
This seems fairly close to the recipe I use and I have managed to cut the sugar a little just by reducing it by 1/4 cup per loaf (my recipe makes 2 loaves so I cut it by 1/2 cup). The pumpkin and spices are sweet enough you don't miss the sugar and apparently there's enough natural sugar to not affect the composition of the bread.
Katrina says
Yum. Go Fuzz! Do you think they'd make a good muffin? I've signed up for my 10 year olds school party treats on Friday and they are still supposed to be "healthy". I was thinking of a muffin that I could frost with a decent cream cheese icing with a candy eyeball on top. Haven't looked for a good recipe yet, but the ones from TWD last week aren't it.
clumbsycookie says
Great job Fuzz! I also like the carved pumpkin!
Biz says
That looks great - she did a great job!
Gayle says
Great job on the pumpkin bread, Fuzz!
Love the picture of her cracking the egg.....she's so very focused :o)
sharon says
What a beautiful lil' chef! The loaf looks perfectly moist and delicious!
Heidi says
This is almost exactly the recipe that has been in our family for years - yours has slightly more flour and mine has no b. powder and a little more spice and less salat. I love it and it always gets rave reviews and I love that it makes 2 loaves and uses up the whole can of pumpkin.
I sometimes sub a little applesauce for the oil with great effect and add chopped pecans, yum.
RecipeGirl says
Your daughter is going to be one great baker!!
Deb Schiff says
Gorgeous bread. Can't believe how grown up she looks!
Sara says she a future chef in the making?! This looks great. I LOVE pumpkin bread. My mom always made it during Christmas, when I was a kid and it brings back all those warm fuzzies! 🙂
Louise says
Oh Anna,
She's adorable! The pumpkin bread looks pumpkinlicious too! I think pumpkins are the very best natural kids "toy."
Lisa says
Wow, Fuzz! I'm impressed. The Cooking Light website has several pumpkin bread recipes with less sugar. Have you checked there?
Sarah says
Awww 😉 She's really growing up! What a lovely loaf of pumpkin bread 🙂
Sue says
Pumpkin bread is one of my favorite fall treats.
Your daugter is growing up so fast! Good for her with her pumpkin bread and jack o' lantern!! It looks like she did a great job on both!
Joanna says
i can't believe she made this all by herself! you and her should be so proud. it looks amazing.
Amy D. says
I love pumpkin bread. The only size can I could find at the store last week is 30 oz so I have a lot of pumpkin baking to do. Fuzz looks so cute baking! And she's also looking very grown up all of sudden. It happens so quickly doesn't it?
VeggieGirl says
She's taking after her brilliant baker mom!! 🙂
Melissa says
She's so big now! I can't believe it.
What a cutie pie. Hope my Jamie can do that some day by himself. How terrific!