Whole Foods Thumbprint Cookies are from a recipe that appeared a long time ago on the Whole Foods website. The dough is made with ground almonds, oats, whole wheat pastry flour, safflower or canola oil, maple syrup and salt.

The dough is shaped into circles, punched down in the center and filled with your favorite flavor of jam or jelly. I only made these once, but looking back at the recipe it seems like it would be worth trying again (and updating the photos!).

Whole Foods Thumbprint Cookies
1 cup almonds (I used walnuts)
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
½ cup safflower or canola oil (I used 7 tablespoons canola, 1 tablespoon walnut oil)
½ cup maple syrup
pinch of salt (big pinch)
water (didn't need any)
fruit juice sweetened jam (or jelly hoarded from various hotel stays and gift baskets)
Ingredient Option: substitute pecans for the almonds (or walnuts)
Preheat oven to 350°F. Lay nuts on a cookie sheet and toast for 6-8 minutes or until fragrant. Let cool.
Place nuts and oats in food processor and grind fine. Dump into a mixing bowl. Add pastry flour and stir until mixed. Combine oil and maple syrup in a separate bowl then add to flour mixture, stirring until well mixed. Add water (if needed) until mixture holds together.
Form dough into walnut sized balls. Press your thumb into each ball to make a deep indentation. Fill with jam. Bake for 15 minutes.
Makes about 32
Anna says
Hi Caroline,
Don't worry, I see all the comments -- even on old posts ;).
I think you could get away with using 4 oz (you might want to weigh it out) of whole wheat or all purpose. The cookies just won't be as light. If you don't have a scale and can't weigh out 4 oz, just fluff up the flour and use 1 cup minus 1 tablespoon of all purpose. If you use a dense whole wheat flour, you should probably use 1 cup minus 2 tablespoons.
carolina says
this post is soo old that it might not be read..but just in case someone does i was wondering..could you not use pastry flour??..and use like whole wheat flour or just all porpuse flour??
Molli says
You crack me up - the orange marmalade tastes expensive 🙂
Congrats on another win!
Amy says
Just for the record (because you just never know...), I love orange marmelade. Congratulations on your latest win!! That's awesome!
Anna says
Lindsay, thanks! I'm very happy about this. I found out this morning. Someone congratulated me before I even knew what happened. Also, Congratulations on your Honorable Mention! Which one was your cookie? I need to go back and look at all the HM's.
Kelli, glad to hear the Frito Candy is popular at your house. My friends like it too. It's kind of hard to forget.
Lauren, I tried the white whole wheat once in a chocolate chip cookie recipe. No one noticed anything different. Then again, the cookies were also jam packed with chocolate, nuts and cranberries.
Lauren says
I always joke that my cookies and baked goods are healthy because I always throw in a little white whole wheat flour. Depending on what I'm making I'll use more or less, but the white whole wheat is so mild-tasting and looking that I don't even tell people it's in there. Before I started using the white whole wheat I would warn people when there was whole wheat in there, but now I don't think it's necessary.
I highly recommend using King Arthur Flour's white whole wheat in anything. I usually do half and half in most everything. Even if it's not exactly "healthy", at least more healthful than it might otherwise be. 🙂
Poutine says
Yay Anna!!
KelliRR says
Congratulations to both of you! Those cookies all look so delicious. I can't wait to start trying them out. Anna, speaking of your Frito candy, I have made that so many times I've lost count. I changed it up a tad (I don't really measure the Fritos and pretzels anymore but I use equal amounts of both since the Fritos are what makes it so different) Everywhere I take this I am asked to bring it again! Thanks again for the recipe. It is definitely a life long keeper!
Lindsay says
Alright...since Anna is not going to toot her own horn, I'll do it! She won the GRAND PRIZE in the Mix It Up With Betty Contest (just announced today). For this she gets an excellent cash prize and lots of box tops for the school of her choice. Here's the
As a side note...Anna, I received an honorable mention for this contest (my first one!) and I have to tell you that you inspired me to try my hand at the whole contest thing. I think you're a remarkable person (with a remarkable blog!)
Anna says
I haven't logged on in a while, so I guess I didn't steal your line ;).
Poutine says
Yummy!! Did you steal my line? I have almost the same quote on my sig line at Eg. So many recipes, so little time. Its funny, because I just changed it the other day.