Ghosts in the Graveyard is the most fun Halloween dessert. Fuzz and I made it once year for a Halloween party, and this is what it looked like. I'm not sure why we only made it one time, but my guess is there were just too many other recipes to try? But it's underrated, for sure. Also, it's an excuse to buy Cameo cookies or "Cameos".

I stand by position that Nabisco should make special Halloween edition Cameo cookies that say R.I.P.. Or better yet, make them kind of an off grey (yet still appetizing) color and put a border on them and write R.I.P. plus random names and inscriptions. You know, funny ones like at the Disney Haunted Mansion.
Update: Fuzz was in preschool when we posted this. She now lives on her own, so maybe she'll make an adult version and I can update the photo.
Anna says
I wish it was my idea, but it is straight out of the Kraft Test Kitchen.
There's a similar recipe called "dirt cake". I think what finally convinced me to make this spin on it was that a few weeks ago, Fuzz came home from school talking about an "amazing" dessert someone's mom had brought in for a class birthday celebration. From her description, I gathered it was dirt cake. She barely remembers cupcakes, but she had plenty to say about dirt cake.
rebecca says
anna, this is so cute and creative!
Shan says
Wow! The cake looks great!
Therese says
Your cake looks as good if not better than the ORIGINAL!! YOU ROCK!
FUN...FUN...FUN....I wish I was there!!
Anna says
We're just putting finishing touches on things at the moment.
Emilie, that's part of a Brownie uniform. I haven't ironed on any patches yet.
Anonymouse, thanks! The white stuff is Cool Whip. I put it into a little baggie, snipped off the bottom corner and squeezed it out so that it would have a bit of a peaked top. In Kraft's video, they just spoon it on and form the peaks with a spoon. For the eyes, I used black gel -- the kind that comes in a tube. Both grocery stores near me have been out of black gels and icings for the past week. I guess they got a new shipment because there was one left today.
Anonymous says
Great job on the cake. Love the ghosts -- is that a meringue or??
Hope you have a great party.
Emilie says
I think it's funny that nobody has commented on the picture on the left-hand side of the screen. What is she dressed up as?