Today’s cookie has a little twist to it -- fair-trade certified, “Akoma” extra semi-sweet chocolate chips from Guittard. After buying a bag last weekend at the local grocery store, I went home and immediately looked them up to see if anyone had info. Sure enough, Cybele from Candy Blog discussed the new chocolate chips back in December 2007.

Distribution was fairly limited then, but the chips seem to have gone mainstream and I hope to see a wider distribution as the holidays approach. They’re really good! They are a bit darker and have a hint of smoke. I’m not sure they melt any differently than other chips, but they do seem a bit smoother and less waxy than some. If you’re interested in trying these new chocolate chips from Guittard, check the baking ingredient aisle and look for the pinkish/purplish metallic bag with the word “Akoma” which is the African symbol for heart.
As for the recipe below, it's another good lunchbox cookie. The cookies are really fat, stuffed with oats and chocolate and have a great flavor from the toasted nuts. They're a pretty basic everyday cookie, but the extra semi-sweet chips make them extra good.
Akoma Extra Semi-Sweet Oatmeal Chocolate Chip and Toasted Pecan Cookies
8 oz unsalted butter, room temperature (2 sticks) 230 grams
1 cup packed light brown sugar (200 grams)
½ cup plus 2 tablespoons granulated sugar (110 grams)
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups plus 2 tablespoons all purpose flour (270 grams)
¾ teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
2 ½ cups quick cooking oats**
2 ½ cups Guittard Akoma extra-semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup toasted pecans, chopped
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line two cookie sheets with parchment.
Beat butter and both sugars in large bowl until light and creamy; beat in eggs and vanilla.
Stir together flour, baking soda and salt. Add to butter mixture and stir until mixed. Stir in the oats, chocolate chips and toasted pecans. Drop dough by tightly packed very slightly rounded tablespoons onto cookie sheets – they shouldn’t spread much.
Bake cookies until golden brown, about 14 minutes. Transfer cookies to racks
and cool completely.
Makes about 48-50
** Quick cooking as opposed to instant. Don't use instant. If you only have old fashioned (5 minute oats), you can use those. Pulse them in the processor for a finer cut or just leave them the way they are. Cookies might be a bit chewier.
Nicole says
These Guittard chips are absolutely amazing. Very worth the extra couple dollars. 75% of the world's cocoa is supplied from farms that use SLAVERY and CHILD LABOR! Please keep the sweetness in your cookies by spending the extra two bucks for Fair Trade chocolate.
Therese B. says
I will be on the look-out for these Guittard Chips....the cookies look fabulous!!!
I often wonder what my life would be without dark chocolate!!! I am glad this trend in chocolate is still on the upsurge! the cheesy.
From my akoma to yours...thank you for the great recipe ideas!!!
Erin Mylroie says
This is my ideal kind of cookie-higher proportion of b. sugar, hearty oats, darker than average chocolate. Yep, I know what I'm making tonight. I'm going for it without the akoma chips, since I can't wait.
bakingblonde says
You have such great ideas! I love how you can take a basic cookie recipe but add new, unusual or expensive products to elevate them to another level!
clumbsycookie says
You are so lucky to have all those different chips to try! If the chips are good the cookies will be great!
Katrina says
Cool, haven't seen those. Target (at least here in Kansas, anyway) sells Guittard chocolate chips.
It looks like an extra yummy cookie!
Heidi says
ahh, a little "darker". They are also fair-trade!
Maria says
I will have to look for these chips!
eva says
Anna, I think you ought to do a tally of all the butter, sugar, chocolate, nuts, eggs and flour that you go through every month. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would be fascinated!It's probably a mini mountain 🙂
Anna says
Jess, I found the chips at H.E.B. Circle C.
Anna says
Heidi, it's for "extra" semi-sweet as opposed to plain semi-sweet.
Koren, those are quick-cooking. The instant ones usually come in a box. I think the quick cooking oats are cut smaller so that they cook quickly. The instant ones are pre-cooked and dried and usually come in a box.
I actually used old fashioned, but I buzzed them in the food processor.
runjess says
Those look delicious. Did you find the chips at HEB or somewhere else?
Koren says
The tube of quacker oats called one-minute, are those quick cooking or instant? These look yummy.
Heidi says
What does the "extra" on the bag mean exactly?
check out the TWD cookie for this week. It was a good one, and had chips, oatmeal and peanut butter. The addetion of cinnamon was good as well.
VeggieGirl says
Oooh, those sound great.
Jennifer says
Those do look great and I love slipping oats into my kids' cookies! (They don't think they like oatmeal) Luckily they do like nut's as I'm a nut lover. (Hee hee, I just said "nut lover!"