Baking season is upon us, and I’ve been running across a lot of great new products lately. For instance, the new Ghirardelli unsweetened chocolate chips.

Along with tasting great, they’ve eliminated the step of chopping up a block of chocolate. Not that chopping chocolate is a pain, I rather enjoy it; but it is nice to be able to dump the unsweetened chocolate chips straight into the melting pot and save some clean-up time. As a bonus, the chips look just like Ghirardelli’s bittersweet chips. If you have a chocolate chip thief in your home, now’s your chance to foil them. Put the unsweetened chocolate chips in a clear plastic zipper bag and lay them directly in the path of the culprit. Fun!
Update: I'm having a hard time finding Ghirardelli unsweetened chocolate chips, but they are out there. It appears that the bag is a little different now.
angel says
Hahahah that's just mean!
Muffy says
That would NOT work in my house for 2 reasons...I am the chip snacker and I eat UNsweetened chocolate from time to time (the mark of a true chocoholic)
jean says
Hey, that's not nice at all. As a kid I would have been very upset.
Julie says
HA! You're diabolical! If these are close in price to regular block unsweetened chocolate, I'm so there. I don't mind chopping but I hate cleaning, so if this saves me a dirty dish I'm 100% in favor of it.
Randi says
I think Austin must be a test market or something. I havent seen( in MI) the last few products you mentioned.
clumbsycookie says
Megan says
Where do you find these? The unsweetened chocolate (Baker's brand)in the stores is sooooo expensive. I'm talking like $8.00 per pound. And with the holidays rapidly approaching, I go through alot of unsweetened chocolate.
Oatmeal Cookie Guy says
Thanks for this, Anna! I'm definitely going to try these. I could only find the Ghirardelli 60% cacao semisweet chips in the store.
Maggi says
Yeah, the chocolate chip thief in my house IS me. And uh.... I actually like unsweetened chocolate. I husband says I'm a freak.
Karen says
You keep posting these cool new products from local companies (guittard and ghiradelli) that I haven't seen yet in my stores! These look great, I HATE chopping chocolate. Probably wouldn't hate it so much if I had a sharper knife.
tori says
What if the chocolate chip thief is me???? Knowing me, I would do that and then forget and bust myself!
Katrina says
I've seen those. What a great trick to catch a thief! 😉