On Sunday I made my "fourth ever" batch of macarons. That doesn't qualify me as an expert, but these chocolate macarons turned out so well that I'm going to post the recipe. For those of you who mentioned you wanted to try making macarons but hadn't worked up the guts, just do it! It's really pretty simple. The chocolate ones are easier than the vanilla because you don't have to fuss over a buttercream filling.

Here are a few things I've learned:
Some recipes say to let the egg whites sit out overnight before using. I did this with one recipe and it didn't seem to make a difference. However, I did let the piped macarons sit on the tray for an hour before baking.
A lot of modern recipes use a food processor to make the almond meal very fine. I skipped that and put the almond meal and confectioners' sugar through a sieve. It worked very well and I didn't have to clean out the processor. For making larger batches, it might be worth pulling out the food processor.
In this recipe you're only beating two egg whites. I didn't need a stand mixer and kind of liked the feel of having more control over the eggs with the hand-held.
Bob's Red Mill brand almond meal works very well. It's expensive, but it's very fine so the macarons had a smoother texture.
Be careful not to overbake. My first batch came out crunchy because I baked them for 15 minutes rather than 12. So make sure not to over-cook unless you like crunchy macarons.

Chocolate Macarons
- 1 cup confectioners’ sugar
- ½ cup Bob's Red Mill almond flour/meal
- 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder I used a mixture of Hershey's dark and natural
- 2 large egg whites at room temperature
- 1 pinch cream of tartar
- 4 ¾ tablespoons granulated sugar
- ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
- Chocolate Ganache Filling
- ½ cup 4 oz heavy cream
- 4 ounces good quality dark chocolate 50 to 70%
- Line two baking sheets with parchment paper or non-stick foil and have ready a pastry bag with a ¼ inch or ½ inch tip. Most recipes call for a ½ inch tip, but I only had a ¼ inch and it worked just fine.
- Set a sieve over a bowl. Combine the confectioners’ sugar, almond flour and cocoa and press through the sieve.
- With a hand-held electric mixer, beat the egg whites until they start to hold their shape. Beat in the cream of tartar and vanilla, and then gradually add the granulated sugar.
- With a rubber scraper, fold in the dry ingredients. When mixed, add to pastry bag. Pipe the batter into 1 inch circles on the lined baking sheets spacing about 1 inch apart. Let the macarons sit out for about 60 minutes. They’ll start to lose their sheen.
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. When preheated, put the macarons in the oven, shut the door and immediately reduce heat to 325 F. Bake for about 12 minutes. Remove macarons and return the oven heat to 375 F and repeat with the second tray of macarons.
- Let the cookies cool completely on the baking sheet, then carefully remove.
- For the ganache, bring the cream to a simmer or just until it is hot and starts to bubble around the edges in a small saucepan. Add the chocolate, remove from heat and stir until smooth. Let cool slightly. Chocolate will thicken a little as it cools. Drop a spoonful of chocolate over half the macarons and cap with the remaining.
- Allow the ganache to set. I cheated and put the macarons in the refrigerator.
Anna says
LAH, thanks for taking a chance on this recipe! I was a novice macaron maker (still am, really) when I posted it, but was so happy with the results that it's become my favorite chocolate macaron recipe as well.. And I agree that if you have access to a food processor you should use it.
LAH says
I am a novice baker and made this recipe. They came out perfect and delicious! I did consult another site for specific “how to” (because they are notoriously finicky and I need extra guidance), but used this recipe for taste, with which I was really happy. I did opt to use a food processor for the almond flour, sugar and cocoa powder mixture; I think it makes the final cookie much smoother. This is now my “go to” recipe for chocolate macarons! And now I’m making them again to give as gifts.
Anna says
I hope you try them! You could use a buttercream filling or possibly a buttercream filling with some sort of preserves, perhaps?
A-Fookies! says
Wow this is really something that I should try! Seems pretty easy to make, not much complicated than preparing cookie doughs. Is there an alternative way to replace the ganache filing? What if I were to use another flavor? If it is possible, what are your recommendations??:D
Joyce says
I'm embarrassed to say that I don't believe I've ever had a macaron, I've certainly never made them These look great! I'm just going to have to give them a try!
TxPepper says
I haven't attempted french macarons myself but I've read a fair amount about the process.
The egg whites (unbeaten) were allowed to age - something about the changing the protein structure or some such - and then the piped cookies were allowed to 'dry out' before being baked. The drying out stage allowed a shell to form which would then become crispy upon baking. I think this was the most crucial step to not scrimp on.
Looks like I'll have to give them a go. But! only after I break-in my new oven with one of your other delish recipes.
As always....Love! your blog.
jess☆ @ Multicultural Melbourne says
They look gorgeous! Not like my poor little collapsed ones turned out last time.. thanks for the tips too, very helpful 🙂
nancy baggett says
Those look great--good for you. You are right--just go ahead and try the recipe. One tip I learned though--they don't like humid weather--I had them go flat when I was trying to make them during a hurricane!
Lala says
You macarons look pretty! Will you please post other flavors as well. I'd like to learn some more flavors. Thanks!
Michelle says
These look beautiful! I am one of those bakers who is scared of making macarons, but after reading your post I'm tempted to give it a try!
Anna says
Well, once you start adding the sugar the peaks kind of go away. I'd say the eggs were soft peaks when I added the sugar -- they weren't quite stiff. The eggs were past foamy, but not quite what you'd use to make a meringue.
KimB says
Intriguing, I may have to try this experiment myself. 😉
Anna, quick question - did you beat the egg whites to stiff peaks after adding the cream of tartar and granulated sugar, or to soft peaks?
Katrina says
I think chocolate with chocolate is my favorite. (surprise) 😉
These look great!
The peppermint ones I made I also just seived/sifted the almond flour and powdered sugar and it worked great.
I just saw a show on the Cooking Channel called Simply Baking with a gal from England who made macarons and she put 2 of 4 egg whites in with the sugar and almond flour (not whipped). It made a really thick paste/dough--then she beat the other two egg whites and folded them in. I was shocked to see it actually work. Made me wonder how that method really works.
Another thing I really like about macarons is that they are gluten free!
lucyinaz says
Anna, your macarons look awesome! I've tried making them once...major fail...I researched them to death prior to making them which obviously didn't help! I had no interest in attempting them again but now you've inspired me and I'll give it another go. This time I'll try not to over think! Thanks for posting them!!
Joe says
It is not a bad thing for them to be a bit extra crunchy - fill them, then leave them in the fridge for 24 to 48 hours. Not only does this soften the shell as it absorbs moisture from the filling, but it allows the flavors to bloom.
Upstate NY Native says
BTW - Adam, I would love it if you posted your Grandmother's recipe for Bocconotti cookies. All my Nonna's recipes were lost when we lost her. There was always tomorrow to write them down then I married and moved away :-((
Upstate NY Native says
I am really impressed with your results - they are all gorgeous!
Adam says
Those look pretty darn good and actually the recipe strikes me as similar to the filling for Italian Bocconotti Cookies (I keep forgetting to post my Grandmother's recipe). If these are even half as good as those, then I am totally in :).
Carolyn says
I think I read every blog post about macarons and purchased several books on them, but until I used the Pierre Herme Macarons book, I didn't have consistent success. His recipe is a lot of work but they turn out just like the ones in his stores.
Erin says
I have never had these kind of macaroons. I'm use to the Jewish Coconut ones lol. Dang those are good (especially the chocolate ones!)
Gloria says
I won't tackle this project because I'm too lazy, but I'm sure glad you and others tackle it so I can taste them! As Lisa says above, they look like a professional macaron-maker made them!
vanillasugarblog says
hey those came out really good!
Lisa Ernst says
Your macarons are beautiful! You've gotten the hang of it and the ones pictured could be in a store window. Last time I was in NYC I went to a French macaron shop and enjoyed their double chocolate version. Can't imagine I could recreate them but it does look like a fun project.