After making a full batch of the William Greenberg recipe aka New York Brownies and wondering what the heck I was going to do with them, I decided to mix them into cheesecake ice cream and make a copy cat of one of Fuzz's favorite Ben & Jerry's flavors.

For the base, I adapted a cheesecake ice cream recipe from my favorite ice cream book, The Ultimate Ice Cream Book: Over 500 Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas, Drinks, And More. And as mentioned, used the New York brownies which are very dense and sweet and hold together well in ice cream. As for the fudge sauce, I found a great fudge sauce recipe in the Gourmet cookbook. It works perfectly as an ice cream mix in because it thickens on contact with the ice cream and becomes somewhat stretchy and borderline chewy and you don't have to worry too much about it mixing with the vanilla (or cheesecake)base and turning it into chocolate. Here's the recipe with links to the other two components.
Or you could just make the brownies. The New York/Greenberg recipe is an old one, but when I cut into them I remembered why it's so timeless. I also remembered that it's best if you make it with really good or at least above average brownies.
I'm in the process of reworking this recipe. I liked it when I first made it, but now I feel like it could be less sweet.
Joan says
Great recipe but it was a little too sweet for my taste. Next time I will cut back on the sugar.
Jennifer says
I had a few leftover outrageous oreo brownies left and was going to make this. Got out the ingredients to come to room-temp. Realized my freezer bowl was not in the freezer. By the time the bowl was frozen, someone had consumed the brownies! So today I am started all over.
Shelly Donahue says
Oh My! I have suddenly lost the ability to speak. All I can think is that I need that ice cream now. I wish you delivered.
Anna says
Thanks for the compliments on the photo. The ice cream was pretty good, but now I think I want to try it with homemade vanilla ice cream. Also, the fudge sauce I linked to works really well so I recommend using that in just about any flavor.
Paula B. says
I wish I lived at your house, I think this recipe hits the trifecta of all my favorites: ice cream, cheesecake, and brownies. What a great idea, and I'll have to try the hot fudge recipe - I'm on a personal quest for the best recipe!!!! Guess I have a few recipes to try from this post.
Chewthefat says
Anna, that looks AMAZING! Magazine cover-worthy! I missed that brownie recipe when you first posted it, and now I'll have to try it.
I haven't had that B&J flavor in many years, but I remember it always took forever for the brownie to defrost in the middle. With some pints it was like a single, enormous brownie frozen in the midst of the ice cream. This looks better because the brownies are in smaller bites.
Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust says
WOW. I want this ice cream!
Melissa (MelissaLikesToEat) says
Holy deliciousness.
Martha in KS says
OMG - I think Fuzz needs a new aunt - me! This looks scrumptiuous! (Isn't it ironic that I can spell "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" but had to look up "scrumptious"? Enjoy your weekend. It's gorgeous in KC.
Sue says
Did Fuzz love it? It certainly sounds delicious!
Lisa Ernst says
This looks soooo good. One of my favorite combos -- brownies, ice cream and fudge sauce. All in one. 🙂
Anna says
Yes, that would be great. Fuzz needs an older sibling.
Darlene says
After reading today's recipe, I have only one question for you. Will you adopt me? Please?