Happy Canada Day! We just got back and I miss it already. Ottawa and Montreal were great, and Toronto is next on the list. But for now, here's a picture of a little souvenir I picked up in Montreal. Similar to Clodhoppers, OMG's are candies made with broken graham crackers, toffee bits, almonds and milk chocolate shaped into little nuggets. We found them at a Canadian grocery store called Maxi where we'd stopped to load up on road trip treats.

My excuse for buying OMG's was that I thought they'd make a funny "back from camp" gift for Fuzz who'd surely get a kick out of the name since she gets irritated when her friends talk or write in text terms like OMG, LOL, UR, Cuz, etc. It drives her batty, so naturally I bought her the candy. What I didn't know at the time was that OMGs were actually made by the same company who introduced Clodhoppers -- yet another candy I'd never heard of, and which I found recipes for all over the Internet. Here's the clone of Clodhoppers. It's made from white chocolate, cashews and Golden Grahams.
But back to the OMG's. The graham crackers were more like typical graham crackers than cereal, and they seemed to have more chocolate than Clodhoppers -- both milk and dark, and maybe white, but I didn't see it. They didn't last very long once we'd opened them, but I did manage to save a few so I could try copying them at home. The photo above is of the copycat OMGs.

Clodhoppers Clone
So the OMGs were new, but I'd already made the Clodhoppers. And many times! They are perhaps the easiest candy on the planet. Maybe in the universe. I linked to the recipe above, but all you do is this: Melt 2 cups of white chocolate wafers and 1 teaspoon of butter together. You can do it in the microwave or a double boiler. To the white chocolate, add 4 cups of Golden Grahams and 1 cup lightly salted cashew pieces. Spoon onto a waxed paper lined tray and chill until set.

The real ones are smaller and flakier, and I think mine would have been too had I not used creamy and smooth Lindt milk chocolate. You can use whatever type or brand of chocolate you prefer or try swapping out the graham crackers for Teddy Grahams. Either way, these were great for making during our very non-Canadian 100 degree weather. This week I've been hesitant to even turn on the oven! Maybe the rest of the week should be "No-Bake Week.
More Recipes

OMG's and Clodhoppers for Canada Day
- ⅓ cup sliced almonds
- 6 ounces milk or dark chocolate chopped**
- 4 graham cracker squares
- ¼ cup Heath Chocolate Coated Toffee Bits
- Line 20 to 24 mini muffin cups with miniature muffin papers or squares of nonstick foil or parchment paper. If you don't have liners, you could probably get away with rubbing generously with butter and chilling the greased pan before filling.
- Put the almonds in a dry skillet and toast over medium to medium high heat, stirring often, until they start to brown. Remove from heat and put in a bowl to cool.
- Break the graham crackers up into small ½ inch (ish!) chunks. Put them in the bowl with the almonds. Stir in the toffee bits.
- In a microwave safe bowl, melt the chocolate using 50% power and stirring every 30 seconds.
- Combine the chocolate and graham mixture and stir well.
- Spoon mixture into lined mini muffin pan and chill until set. If using squares of parchment or foil, lift from pan and peel it away. If using cups, you can serve from the cups. If using a buttered tin, just pry the candies out.
Katrina says
Fun! Tell Fuzz I don't like all the text lingo either.
Eva says
Anna, if you're ever in Toronto I'd be happy to show you the best sweet spots. 🙂
Anna says
Sue, she liked them. Her favorite item, however, were the Kinder eggs. It's hard to find them in the states.
Sue says
What was Fuzz's reaction to the pkg. of OMGs?
I haven't been to Canada in years. The next time I go I'll pay more attention to the snack food ;). Our daughter loves the Aero bars when she's there.
Nicole says
Do they have rehab for these? I see myself becoming addicted.
Cookie Sleuth says
I've never seen these! Your home version sounds like a good substitute. 🙂