Calling these “healthy” would be a stretch, but it's nice when a cookie tastes good and has a little something to offer. In this case it's fiber, vitamins and minerals from oats, nuts, and whole wheat flour.

The original recipe is from Phuel Cafe, a restaurant in Ohio that focuses on plant based foods. It was featured on as "Andy Newman's Deeply Richly Nutted Chocolate Chip Cookies". They are richly nutted, for sure. However, to me they seemed more like peanut butter cookies. Also, I made them as squares and am calling them "Square Cookies". Don't be blown away by all the creativity, there. Ha.

So they are square cookies, and thanks to the nuts they're even textured but kind of crumbly -- maybe sort of sandy, but not really. They're on the dryer side, but not necessarily in a bad way because it contrasts with the chips.

The only drawback to these square cookies is that you have to use the food processor to grind the oats with some of the sugar and nuts. It’s not a huge deal, just more to clean up, so I suggest trying these next time you have your food processor out for something else.
Here's my take on the original recipe.

Square Cookies
- 1 cup sugar ( 190 grams)
- 1 cup toasted pecans or a mix of pecans and walnuts or almonds
- ½ cup oats
- 1 stick unsalted butter, softened (114 grams)
- ¼ cup peanut butter, unsweetened (64 grams)
- 2 large eggs
- 1 teaspoon molasses
- ½ teaspoon salt
- ½ teaspoon baking soda
- ¾ teaspoon pure vanilla
- 2 cups all-purpose or whole wheat flour (250 grams) -- weigh if possible!
- 1 cup chocolate chips
- ½ cup peanut butter chips optional
- Colored Candies optional
- Put ½ cup of the sugar, oats and nuts a food processor and grind until fine. Set aside.
- Put the softened butter, remaining half cup of sugar, peanut butter, eggs, molasses, salt, baking soda and vanilla in a large mixing bowl. Beat all at once with a handheld mixer or paddle of a stand mixer until creamy and smooth. By hand or using lowest speed of mixer, stir in the flour. Add oat mixture and stir until blended, then stir in the chips.
- Empty dough onto a large sheet of plastic wrap or wax paper and knead gently just to make sure everything is well mixed. Shape dough into a rectangle about 7x8 inches and 1 inch thick. Chill the rectangle for about an hour.
- With a large knife, cut the rectangle into even squares. If desired, put some colored candies on top.
- Arrange squares of dough on a parchment lined baking sheet and bake for 15-18 minutes at 350 (or however long it takes in your oven).
- Let cool completely before serving.
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