Wow, I can't believe it took me so long to try Emily's creation, but I was in the mood to stuff something with Oreos and her Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Cookies from Halloween 2010 came to mind. And what's funny is it is almost a year to the day she made it.

Thanks for such a fun recipe, Emily. Aside from looking cute, the cookies taste great. The dough was super easy to work with and the cookies baked up with a nice, sturdy yet tender shell. They were fun to decorate. I used the white and orange chocolate as suggested (and shown in these photos), but I also did some with melted chocolate on top and Halloween sprinkles. All the textures and flavors made for a really great cookie.
One final note: The only change I made was to use an ungreased baking sheet. In my experience, cookies spread less on an ungreased sheet.
More Baked Goods With Oreos
For a chocolate chip cookie infused with Oreo goodness, make Chocolate Chip cookies with Oreo Chunks but use the Halloween Oreos.

Oreos look great broken up in Bundt Cake. I used a scratch cake, but I think they'd be good in just about any doctored box vanilla Bundt cake as well.

Or go the brownie route and put them there – an idea that’s been around forever but never gets old.

Or maybe you’d like cheesecake? I was really happy to find an Oreo makes a great base for Oreo Mini Cheesecakes.

Last but not least, the muffin shaped Vegan Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies. There's a non-vegan version on the page as well.
Lisa@ButteryBooks says
Love this post! It never occurred to me to put them in chocolate chip cookies...great idea!
Anna says
That was smart of you to refrigerate the dough! Oddly enough, my dough didn't require any refrigeration. Glad you liked the cookies!
Rosalie says
I doubled the recipe. The dough was very sticky so I refrigerated the balls about 45 minutes before starting. Instead of using the palm of my hand, I put the ball on waxed paper and made a flat circle with another piece of waxed paper. I then peeled the dough off the waxed paper and wrapped it around the cookie. I rolled it in my hands to make it as round as I could. They are quite good and worth the extra effort.
Katherine says
I made the oreo stuffed cookies yesterday. I found it was much easier to work with the dough once you refrigerated it for a little while. They were very good and a nice surprise to my family to find an oreo stuffed into a chocolate cookie! It made 17 cookies for me.
tia says
oreos are soooo good but these recipes make them even better!
Erin says
OOO I bet the white chocolate cover Oreos would be AMAZING in this!
Emily says
The bundt cake looks so good. I really want to make it. I'm taking it easy on the baking lately, though. Have to keep my girlish figure.
I'm glad you guys liked the cookies! Your blog made my day today! Thank you.
Nancy says
So these must be the cookies that started the whole stuffed cookie craze. They look awesome! I am going to surprise the kids with these and make some for them to bring to school on Halloween!
Julia says
The Oreo stuffed chocolate cookies look amazing! We don't get Halloween Oreos over here, sadly, but I love the regular and chocolate ones 🙂
Anna says
I need to take a better photo of today's cookie. They were really very good.
Adam, the vanilla ones are quite tasty. Here in Austin they also sell some that are chocolate on one side and vanilla on the other.
Erin, one lady commented that she thought the cake itself was dry. I'm not sure if it was because she measured her flour wrong or if she's just used to the texture of box cake mix, but it's something to consider if you make the Bundt cake. Either way, the Oreos made it special.
Erin says
I really like the halloween oreos in the bundt cakes. Makes it really pretty
Adam says
I've probably mentioned this before, but it's only this past year that I've actually started to enjoy Oreos. As a kid I really disliked them, but now, for some reason I honestly can't get enough. And I think I actually like the vanilla ones more than the chocolate, which is scary since I didn't like many vanilla things as a kid either. Maybe I was switched with Bizzaro Adam and I didn't realize it.