This is an old post from back when I first heard about White Lily, a soft flour popular in the Southern United States. Well, I liked the flour so much we moved to North Carolina, where it's sold at just about every grocery store. Just kidding. We didn't move here because of White Lily, but I sure don't have to special order it anymore! Also, they now make an unbleached White Lily with non-aluminum baking powder.
Old White Lily Double Chocolate Chip Post
Last week I found a sweet deal on White Lily Flour -- two 5 lb bags for $7.00. I put in an order and the flour appeared on the doorstep two days later. Since then I've been tearing through the White Lily recipe collection trying to determine if White Lily really is worth paying a little extra for.

For those of you not familiar with it, White Lily is different from all-purpose flour in that it is made with a low protein soft winter wheat, which means less gluten formation and more tenderness in baked goods. According to some people, it is the secret ingredient in Southern cakes, cookies and pies. But why not just use cake flour?
Like most brands of cake flour, White Lily Flour weighs 4 ounces/114 grams per cup and is bleached. However, it is not quite as bleached as cake flour and supposedly less acidic. Meh, I guess so. I can't really tell, quite frankly. However, it sure did make my pound cakes, chocolate cake and red velvet cakes softer. I wasn't crazy about how it worked in brownies and sugar cookies, as it gave them kind of a chalky feel. But I did love it in these double chocolate cookies, which are ethereally light and rich at the same time. But who's to say they wouldn't be as good with cake flour?
So my question is, do you use White Lily? If so, do you have a favorite way to use it? Over the next few weeks I'll be telling you how it works in certain recipes, but if you have a recommendation or a recipe you think I should try, let me know!
john C says
The protein content of White Lily AP Flour is the same as most cake flours. ( a lot cheaper than cake flour). So the answer is yes. I would not use it to make breads that call for AP Flour. Have not tried it with cookies, but I am today.
Anna says
Hi Alex, in my experimenting it has worked just fine in place of cake flour. It weighs the same cup per cup (4 oz) and yields a soft, tender, crumb.
Alex says
Can White Lily Flour be used as cake flour? I've searched all over the internet and can never get a straight forward answer. For my chocolate eclairs sake, can someone help me? 🙂
Pat in Oak Ridge says
I live in Tennessee and did not realize White Lily was any different from any other brands of flour. I have always used White Lily. and it is a lot cheaper here than 2 5-pound bags for 7 bucks!!!!! It's like 2 dollars something here for a 5 pound bag. Anyway, I love it and use it for all baking. and always have great results.
Judy says
Anna, I use White Lily for the best cupcakes, cakes, pie crusts and biscuits. But when I make muffins I make them with as much whole wheat flour as the recipe can take and still taste good along with unbleached all-purpose flour where called for.
gloria says
I even like the name White Lily. Yes, the cookies shiny and chocolatey!
Sue says
White Lily flour is not something I see here so I've never used it. Your cookies look awesome though.
Katrina says
I seriously don't think I've ever seen White Lily flour here.
Reading all this does make me wonder if cake flour was used for a pie crust how it would be? And now I'm curious to check out Sharpei cookies.
Anna says
Okay, I'm going to put the Sharpei cookies on the list. Claire, you might want to check out I found it while searching for shaving supplies and got sidetracked by the grocery section. The price for White Lily was pretty good.
Claire says
I love using White Lily in my baking! Mississippi girl here! My sharpei cookies need it and REAL butter or they don't work. 🙂 I've made pie crusts with it as well and they are delicious. The closest Kroger (love the South, huh?) has recently stopped carrying regular AP White Lily and it drives me bonkers. Why do they have self rising but not regular? Gotta get it from another store!
Cookie Sleuth says
I will be very curious to see how the flour does in your other experiments this week. These cookies look fantastic, though!
Holiday Baker Man says
Something new to find!
Anna says
Kali, thanks! And I'm going to guess you use Crisco or lard, right? I think it's time for a pie...
Kali says
I have won many ribbons for my pies at the Indiana state fair using White Lily.
Anna says
Bunny, so far I've had the best results with biscuits. Have you ever used it in pie crust?
Bunny says
White Lily is the only flour I use. I was born and raised in Georgia and can tell you that if you're a true Southerner you have White Lily in your pantry. Best use? Buttermilk biscuits made the traditionally Southern way with flour, Crisco, and buttermilk (no sugar). On decadent days you add chunks of cheddar cheese to the flour/Crisco mixture before adding the buttermilk...oh my! THAT is heaven!