Molasses Coconut Chews This recipe is from “Hot from the Oven”, an Old Sturbridge Village booklet, 1964. The old version of the recipe called for the higher measurements of flour, but we've had more success using the lower measurements. I recommend starting with the 3 cups.
1cupshortening or unsalted butter or mix the two(192 grams or 228 grams)
2largeeggsbeaten (104 grams)
½cupmolasses(150 grams)
3cupsunbleached all-purpose flour(410 grams)
1 ½teaspoonsbaking soda
1cupunsweetened coconut flakes(sweetened okay)
With an electric mixer, beat the sugars and shortening (or butter) until creamy.
Add the beaten eggs, vanilla, and molasses. Beat well.
Sift (or just thoroughly stir) together the flour, soda, and salt, then stir into batter.Stir in coconut
Using a medium size cookie scoop, scoop out 33 to 36 balls of dough. Bake immediately or keep covered and chilled until ready to bake. If using butter, the cookies will have a better shape with chilled dough.
When ready to bake, preheat oven to 375*F.
Bake the cookies on a parchment lined (or greased) baking sheet for about 13 minutes. Let cool on sheet for 3 minutes, then transfer to a rack to finish cooling.